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Contact and Collaboration

Reach out with questions, suggestions, and feedback at .
For questions and feedback related to the COGSEC ATLAS, or the specification standard for the ATLAS system, please use this contact form: . If there is a specific project you believe is relevant to any previous or current program, please complete the .
If you have some other project that you’d like to propose or find collaborators for, please fill out a and submit it to , with the subject heading, “FC-[your project callsign] [your last name]”, and we will review it. If it is relevant and of interest, it will be shared with other potential partners and collaborators in the interest of helping you to obtain resources and collaborators. If there is a tool-based approach you are interested in pursuing or need help in pursuing, please fill out an Ideation, Curation, or Pitch stage depending on your current progress and submit it to , with the subject heading “IC-[your project callsign] [Your Last Name]”.

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